Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Life Updates!

Well guys, I have less than a week until my college graduation! I never thought this day would actually come. Yesterday a few of my friends and I got all dressed up and had a pre-graduation photo shoot at some of the hot spots around campus. It's supposed to rain on Sunday on the day of my actual graduation, plus UConn has so many different graduations that I won't even be walking with any of my friends!

Here are a few of my favorites from the past week :)

And here's a few from my final SUBOG Banquet (which is the campus programming board).
P.S. My dress is from Marshall's if anyone wanted to know!

Congratulations to my fellow 2014 graduates! I know April was not the best blogging month but I promise that May will be 100 times better! 

What have you guys been up to lately? Let me know in the comments!


  1. Congratulations on your graduation! :)

    I haven't been up to, too much. I've been studying considering my term is almost ended in University which is crazy! :)

    Naturally Jes

    1. Thank you so much! It was official on Sunday and now it feels so weird. But good luck with your end of term! :)
